The International Education Leadership Knowledge Community (IEL KC) supports senior international officers and internationalization leaders who provide the vision and build commitment for comprehensive internationalization. To that end, the IEL KC coordinates the delivery of a comprehensive set of sessions, workshops, networking opportunities, and resources for senior leaders.

Leading IZN Network

Explore resources and a discussion forum to actively engage with colleagues.

Explore the LIZN Network

Symposium on Leadership

Internationalization leadership topics for SIOs in a NAFSA Signature Event.

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Jennifer Evanuik, MEd

Central Michigan University
Chair, International Education Leadership Knowledge Community
Jennifer Evanuik is the executive director of the Office of Global Engagement at Central Michigan University. In this role, she oversees comprehensive internationalization, study abroad, international student and scholar services, and international partnerships. Since 2007, Jennifer has held roles...

Samira Pardanani

Shoreline Community College
Chair-Elect, International Education Leadership Knowledge Community
Samira Pardanani leads a comprehensive international education department at Shoreline Community College, located just north of Seattle, Washington. In this role, she oversees international recruitment, admissions, academic and university transfer advising, study and teach abroad, international...

Kate Jennings

Jennings International Education Leadership & Training
Past Chair, International Education Leadership Knowledge Community
Kate Jennings has over two decades of experience and has held progressive leadership roles in international education at five universities (Vancouver Island University, University of Alberta, Simon Fraser University, Queen’s University, University of Victoria) in three Provinces in Canada...

Parinaz Zartoshty

San Jose State University
2025 Annual Conference Committee Member, IEL KC
Parinaz Zartoshty is the Director of International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) and Interim Director of Study Abroad and Away (SAA) at San Jose State University (SJSU). She is responsible for the strategic direction and operations of the ISSS and SAA departments. Parinaz entered the field of...

Jill Blondin, PhD

Virginia Commonwealth University
Co-Leader, Programs & Events, IEL KC
Jill Blondin, associate vice provost for global initiatives at VCU, received her B.A. from Indiana University, and her M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign). Previously, Blondin served as the director of VCU Globe, which received the NAFSA Senator Paul Simon Spotlight...

Godlove Fonjweng, PhD

Prairie View A & M University
Co-Leader, Programs & Events, IEL KC
Dr. Godlove Fonjweng is the executive director of international programs and senior international officer at Prairie View A & M University (PVAMU). He earned a Bachelor's in geochemistry from Swarthmore College, MS/PhD in geology from the University of Pennsylvania (Penn). He served on the faculty...

Cathy Lee T. Arcuino

Wilkes University
Co-Leader, Communications & Engagement (Regional Outreach), IEL KC
Dr. Cathy Lee T. Arcuino is the Executive Director of Global Engagement at Wilkes University and oversees International Student and Scholar Services, International Enrollment Management, Education Abroad, the English Language Center and leads campus wide internationalization efforts. She was a Peace...

Eve Duffy, PhD

Duke University
Co-Leader, Communications & Engagement (Leading Internationalization (LIZN) Network Leader), IEL KC
Eve Duffy is a higher education administrator with over 20 years of experience in international education. She has been the Associate Vice Provost for Global Affairs at Duke for the past five years. In her role, she oversees the international and area studies units at Duke, manages a diverse...
Subcommittee Members
Regional Liaisons