Learn more about our dedicated senior staff who lead an office of more than 50 staff members in Washington, DC.

Fanta Aw, PhD

NAFSA Executive Director and CEO
Fanta Aw, PhD, has been a dedicated member and leader within NAFSA since 1996 and currently holds the position of Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer. From 2013 to 2016, she served as NAFSA's President and Board Chair. Dr. Aw is a recognized and highly respected figure in the fields of...

Dorothea Antonio

NAFSA: Association of International Educators
Dorothea Antonio serves as NAFSA's deputy executive director for knowledge development. She leads NAFSA’s contribution to thought leadership in international education and provides executive oversight on internationalization and global engagement, conference programming, and publications. She joined...

Tatiana Mackliff

NAFSA: Association of International Educators
Tatiana Mackliff serves as NAFSA’s deputy executive director for leadership and professional development services. Prior to joining NAFSA, Mackliff served as executive director of international education at Miami Dade College. Her 25-year career in the field of global education includes a number of...

Jill Allen Murray, MPA

NAFSA: Association of International Educators
Deputy Executive Director, Public Policy
Jill Allen Murray is Deputy Executive Director, Public Policy at NAFSA: Association of International Educators where she leads the organization’s public policy engagement, including congressional, administrative, media and constituent advocacy strategy and implementation. Prior to joining NAFSA, Ms...