NAFSA Bookstore

The NAFSA Bookstore features a wide variety of practice-related and thought-provoking publications written by leading experts in international education. Find the professional resources you need to stay informed with NAFSA’s books, posters, student guides, and more. Search for titles and subjects relevant to your needs.

Landscape of Third-Party Pathway Partnerships in U.S.
Landscape of Third-Party Pathway Partnerships in the United State s is a mixed methodology, multiphased research report that identifies the key considerations that go into making decisions about third-party pathway partnerships and describes the range of institutional experiences with such
Learning Across Cultures
In this book, experts in international education provide a vital overview of cross-cultural communication and a detailed, yet accessible, deconstruction of cultural barriers.
Learning Across Cultures Cover Image
Learning Across Cultures: Locally and Globally, Third Editio n is a comprehensive guide to integrating intercultural learning into the fabric of twenty-first century higher education. This new edition synthesizes two decades of societal, theoretical, and technological developments. It combines
Managing a Successful International Admissions Office
Developed to assist international enrollment management professionals in working with international applicants, Managing a Successful International Admissions Office: NAFSA's Guide to International Admissions provides an overview of issues related to international admissions. It covers international
2023 Immigration Review
The NAFSA 2023 Immigration Review provides a brief overview of changes in immigration law, policy, procedure, and practice over the past year, as of May 2023. Subjects include: recent policy revisions affecting F students and J exchange visitors scholar- and employment-based updates cross-category
NAFSA International Education Professional Competencies 2.0
NAFSA: Association of International Educators proudly introduces this comprehensive update of competencies for international education professionals. Refreshed in 2022, the competencies advance the professionalization of the field and influence the development of the future international education